The Thingy Thing Team

Founded in 2019 at Advanced Technologies Academy, we are FRC Team 8387.

Team Photos

View our robot, us at competition, and where our team was born

Meet Our Members

Meet the members and view their accomplishments

“Engineering is the closest thing to magic that exists in this world.”

Founded in 2019 by a small group of 6 students, with Mr. Tortomasi as our coach, Advanced Technology Academy’s FRC team was born. Our team has since grown to more than 35 members from all grade levels at our school. Our team receives support from both Tesla and the Gene Haas Foundation. Starting off in a small classroom, our team now resides within a double-wide portable.

Due to COVID, we were unable to have an in-person event for the 19-20 and 20-21 seasons. However, our team persevered and we were able to compete last year. We were pleased to get the opportunity to compete against real robots and look forward to growing and improving our robot’s performance. Despite the completely virtual 20-21 season, we still received the Rookie Design Award for our team’s concept of a future FIRST challenge.

Send us an email if you want to partner with us.

FIRST Robotics is an expensive club. We are always interested in potential partnerships, donations, and other ways to help our team grow and succeed.